Thursday, January 17, 2008

Puhlease name me.....

After that long ass post of pornography, I've decided to create a short post with pictures. I have three soft toys at the moment and currently two of them are not named. I didn't know you have to name them until one of my friends (who is a gal) says that I should give them a name cause it's so poor thing. Actually my eldest sister whom actually gave me all the three soft toys also ask me to name them. Anywayz, this is the first one

This is a Herrington Teddy Bear Cheesecake Factory Limited Edition teddy bear. Yes I know it's a freaking long name and yes it has my glasses. All my soft toys love posing with my glasses or sunnies, like the owner :P. Anywayz, I think this bear is kinda expensive as it comes with all the certificate of authenticity and so on. Wondering of selling it on ebay one day for a million dollars hahaha! Just don't tell the teddy bear, he might fuss.
Teddy bear out of the bag.

This is the only one who is named, and that is Roxy. This dog has been with me for about 5 years now I think. In case you guys don't know it's a Hush Puppy dog. Actually I prefer him to wear the glasses cause without it, he has this sad pitiful look, as though asking anyone to take him away from the abusive owner. Fortunately for the dog, I left him in Malaysia and now owns my room.
You can see how long ago this picture was taken. I was still using that ancient Nokia phone when I was studying in Australia.
This is my doggie dog, and it's a Marks & Spencer doggie. If you want to compare the ages of my three soft toys, this doggie is the oldest them all. This used to be my sister's dog when she was still studying in UK. Come to think of it, I think it's around 10 years old already. She gave it to me while I was in California cause I kinda like it.

This is my sister's pooh bear all blinged up. Not mine but just that the bear is such a poser wearing my ipod and sunnies while holding my dad's car keys on it's right hand. Wahahaha
So please people, help me name my doggie dog and the Cheesecake teddy bear. Give me as many suggestions as you can. Thank you very much and love you all.


yvonneyeo said...

just name it cheesecake, out of convenience =)

Anonymous said...

haha cheezie bake

Derek said...

heh maybe i should just name that. Hehehe