Friday, January 25, 2008

Getting into the exercise mode.....again!

On Wednesday, I finally started to do some weight liftings for the sake of getting fit. When you're family gasps in horror saying how fat you are, there is some psychological damage that has been inflicted upon me. In my attempt to recover from it, I then tried working out.

As it has been almost 2 years since I last lifted weights, I woke up with severely sore biceps, triceps and pecks muscles. This is even after I'd force-fed myself with heaps of protein shake. Haih, me and my other friend who we both are sworn together to work out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday also complained of sore muscles. As it is Friday, we shall subject ourselves to torture and pain again. This time would be on my shoulders, back and abs.

Besides that, I should be having a strict low to no-fat diet soon. Gulping down four double cheeseburgers courtesy of FatDonalds is not helping me losing weight. I guess one of these days I would do a post on how to work out and eat out properly so that aspiring people who are reading would have an idea of where and how to start. That post would also serve as a reminder for me to keep to my schedule. Ok, till then, wish me luck and love you all!

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