Friday, January 11, 2008

A Change In Our Life

While there's a sweet innocent-looking girl with a great smile in Religion 1000 class, I am taking a boring Physics 1000 class as well. The class is really big and it's more of an auditorium as it can seat 100+ people. Unlike Religion 1000 class, there's no hot chick to perv at thus it's a very boring class. Again the reason why I'm taking Physics 1000 class is to fulfill my general requirement.
So it was the usual boring stuff and I was yawning away until the lecturer said something in class. "An object have resistances to changes to their motion. Objects at rest remain at rest while objects in motion remain in motion". This got me thinking, aren't we all resistant to changes???
I am the perfect example that is resistant to changes. Believe it or not, just before going to California I didn't feel like going there cause I was used to my new place. Even though I know California is like a billion times better than Kalamazoo, at that point I prefer to stay in Kalamazoo cause I wasn't in the mood for the change in my environment. I eat McDonalds almost everyday ordering the same thing. I'm the epitome of resisting changes. It is a natural occuring that everything is resistant to changes.
So now comes the subequent question, why then our lifes are ever-changing? I hate to know the fact that some things wouldn't last forever. People like stay things as it is. But yet our world is ever-changing. New technologies come in everyday. New cars, buildings, products etc etc.
Maybe I got this wrong, people are always seeking changes in life. My friend is seeking to change his car. He changes car more often than I change my clothings. People seeking different partners. I myself want a total change in my own lifestyle. Hell, actually everyone wants a change in life. But I've always wonder, as we seek changes in life, it is not a natural phenomenom; it is against the laws of nature.
Somehow we're changing too much to the point that we don't sit down and enjoy the moment we're in. As it is against the laws of nature, we feel uneasy, awkward, agitated, unatural. We're living in an artifical state of mind, as we all are only focusing in changes, and indirectly this contribute to the world of upheaval today. Rampant pollutions, outbreak of contagious and ever more dangerous diseases like ebola and AIDS are the symptons that the earth is resisting change.
I'm not sure if you all understand what I'm trying to explain. In short, the law of nature resists changes. And as human strive for changes, the law of nature would resist it through means of trying to get rid of the symptons of change, which in this case is we human beings ourselves.

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