Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Being in the US, like most every other major occasion Valentine's Day is nothing more than a money making fiasco where the people who are really celebrating it are the florist who reaps in obscene amounts of profits from the sale of roses. Ever since coming to the US, the people kinda dull the whole thing; they dilute the meaning of the celebration so to speak.

I remember two years ago when I first got together with Elsie, the day before V. Day I spent the whole day in Mid Valley scouring around gaining ideas upon what to give to her. Even back in Malaysia, all the buzz about V. Day was huge as well, albeit not as bad as US, where every single fucking advertisements is about have you buy this diamond ring for her? have you buy this rose? have you buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy................ Ok back to what I was trying to say, I got her this heartshape Leonidas chocolate that costs around Rm200 (about 60USD). And then I got her the customary rose for about RM15 (4.50USD). Suffice to say, she was quite happy and since we were together for barely a month, the honeymoon period was very much alive, so I thought at that time.

Fast forward to today, and I have a few of my single friends moaning about the cruel and lonely fate that has bestowed upon them, which is why we're single. It's as though it is the end of the world if they had no date for V. Day and it is like a social stigma not to have a date on V. Day. To be honest, I thank the almighty god for being single this time as I don't have to splash obscene amounts of money to please my significant other. In US the V. Day is brought into a whole different level, where like I said above you must buy this if not V. Day isn't complete and if you so happen to date a typical materialistic ignorant American, your date is sure to kick you out cold to freeze your balls off. V. Day has become a comparison ground for women to see which one has the most extravagant, most romantic, most lavish V. Day. It's as though the women all over the world would conglomerate and then hand out the oscar awards. Those who didn't make the cut would be sure to receive endless lashings from their gf for the rest of the year.

Oh I'm sure some of you must be thinking I'm sour grapes, but trust me I am not, seriously. I mean it was cool that I was shopping for gifts for my significant other being all chirpy and bouncing along buying gifts, but I've been there done that. My emphasis now is based on just doing the little little things in life, which unfortunately for most girls do not comprehend that. When I broke up with Elsie, she actually told me that when I gave her the gifts I didn't give her appropriately and so on. She told me that I left the presents at the backseat when I know she would put her books behind the car. She said that if I want to make it as a surprise she isn't impressed at all. Well to begin with I didn't plan it as a surprise. Secondly with all the effort that I've done, all she could remember when she broke up with me was how I didn't place the gifts at a place where she couldn't have seen. You should have seen my face at that moment. I think I had the most perfect WTF look on my face.

On a more bizarre note, I'm going to meet up with Elsie on V. Day to settle the phone bill and pass her the keys. I didn't realize it till one of my friends pointed out. They subsequently teased me that she might ask you back on V. Day, which is so corny. I then told them that my gold reserved has been digged dry and that her current 400hp bf has a bigger gold reserve to dig. No point moving back to me anyways.

Ok then, I have to go to sleep soon. I guess I shall call some of my gal friends to see if they had gotten the date that they've wanted or not. Till then happy V. Day to all my friends. Remember that this day is to cherish one another for who they are, not what they buy. Love ya all -xoxo-

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