Thursday, February 14, 2008

Shootings again

Just about 10 hours ago, there was a shooting incident in Northern Illinois University, killing five people, including the gunman who actually shot himself to death. Well, my usual self were to say that that fucking gunman deserved to shoot himself and then burn in all for all eternity. Somehow rather, this incident intrigued me into how does one person would be able to do such violent and inhuman acts. I can only conclude that these people either really think this is some Counter-Strike game or something, or that they really have nothing better else to do, or that it is a sign of lost hope and extreme desperation.

As usual, the whole circus act comes around, so typical of an American culture. One of them talks about fencing up all the universities and to install metal detectors upon entering the university campus. I can only imagine if I were late to school and I have to rush to class. Before entering the university I have to get down of my car, strip search me and my car before being able to enter. I guess we have a new excuse of why we're late. I'm sorry Mr/Mrs Professor, I was late cause the police thought my ipod was a detonator. The Americans are such that they are looking for the cure rather than preventing it. They focus so much on how to make the universities safer, when the root of the problem are the students itself. What makes a student hate the place so much that he wants to shoot everyone he could find? Have you people, who is supposedly the best country in the world realize that the problem lies within the psychological welfare of the students? Or American citizens in general?

Of all the shootings that I've found, shooters seems to have a similiar profile, and that they tend to be the loners who are often being ridiculed, harrassed or teased at school. Usually these people would develop psychological problems due to repeated stress of the bullshit that they receive. Soon they develop hate towards the people and to the school because they felt the school has not done enough to rectify the situation. As one explodes, shootings result. After that, their families then are being ridiculed and then politicians start taking advantage by playing with people's emotions to gain more votes. Then it is swept under the rug and pretend that nothing has happened. Seriously, what significant changes has been done since the Virginia Tech shootings? Hell nothing changed at all even back in 1999 when the Columbine High School Massacre happened. All they talk about is having more security, when I couldn't stress enough again that it is about your students, your people whom should be concerned about. If you take care of your people properly, there won't be any incidents like this. No happy people who are pleased with their university/school would shoot free-willy for the heck of it. Same goes that if people are happy about your great oh-so-ever-perfect USA, they wouldn't had take two planes and stick it into twin towers.

When the Virginia Tech shooting happened, it didn't really hit me because it was quite far away. Now that it has happened in Illinois, it is about a few hours away from my place. Watching it on the news with my friend, and he was literally freaking out. The thing was that I was trying to make it look like it's no big deal, when it is actually a big deal. However when I see my friend freaking out, I just have to put on the tough mask and try to calm him down. The newscaster who has tears on her eyes are not helping either, and the living room is filled with intense fear. One could not help but feel that YOU ARE THE NEXT VICTIM.

You know, it's wierd. All the metal detectors, sniffing dogs, an army of police officers etc etc are being used to prevent a shooting, when all you ever need to do is to simply reach out to someone in need. It doesn't cost anything except of few seconds of your time to ask what is wrong. That having said, it is only appropriate to say this to all my friends. You are all not alone and I'm there for you. You maybe physically apart but I would try my best to be there for you. I'm fucking serious and mean it that if you need someone to talk to or something, please don't even hesitate for a second to reach out to me. I'll drop everything and hear you out. You can say it's corny for all I care but I would not forgive myself if one day something bad happened to one of my friends and has to resort to desperate measures such as going on a shooting rampage.

There is more than 6 billion people on earth. Many talk about how crowded the world has become and how globalization has make the world a smaller place. However, it is wierd that people are more isolated than ever and the feeling of emptiness is ever more prevalent in one's soul.

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