Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Well, I think I just wanna make a proper post to wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year. As I have missed 2 chinese new years in a row now because of being in US, I've really lost touch of my Chinese side. Damn I also didn't call and wish my parents-leh.

In case you're wondering what I did for CNY, I was busy going to a career fair sucking balls in hope of getting a job in US. Right now my whole focus is upon my marketing class and trying to find a job.

In a pursuit of a career and what not, I always neglected the simple pleasures in life. For me it is a simple as walking at night with snow falling from the sky. I'd always looked at snow as really irritating especially when I'm always rushing to school and stuff. But seriously, when I was just outside walking around my apartment with the snow falling, I told myself that I would pretty much miss this moment when I choose to go to California or even back to Malaysia.

Oh well, I guess I have to keep reminding myself to aprreciate the simple things in life a little bit more. Till then, I have to get back to my work. Happy Chinese New Year again to everyone.

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