Sunday, March 2, 2008

New York so far

Oh well, New York is fun but not as glamorous as I thought. Unfortunately, I couldn't be bothered taking pictures and I only went out to explore most of the area at night. Places I went so fat include the Times Square twice!, Chinatown, Soho area, Grand Central Park, Natural History Museum and random grocery shopping. Initially on Friday I stayed at home cause I was tired and also afraid to go out just in case I got lost. After Elaine showed me how to get around the Subway I was going places. I bought a 7 day pass which allows me to go hop in hop out on any subway throughout the 7 days. Slurp slurp, the pass is like a free pass hahaha.

I'll try to take more pictures soon. I'll be going to the malaysian consulate to try and renew my passport and also go around Central Park at the daytime. Also I might go to the Metropolitian Art museum at the Upper East Side, the poshest side of Manhattan. Maybe I can go bergigolo there hahahaha. Ok back to reality.

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