Friday, November 2, 2007

To blog or not to blog? (random thoughts)

I am seriously contemplating whether or not I should close this blog. Firstly, very few people know about this blog and from the impression I get they either forgot the address or don’t even bother reading at all. I guess this blog should be more for me. However, the lack of events that is happening upon me resulted in me not being able to say much about myself. Oh I just came back from casino, more or less break even as I only won 3 bucks. Ok random thought popping out of my head.
Another thing is that I’m wondering whether or not to put my blog address on my MSN nick. I can’t really remember what I wrote inside and I’m just worried that I might offend somebody in WMU. Everyone here is so damn freaking sensitive that it’s unbelievable. Just because I prefer to keep to myself and don’t really talk to people, they think I’m lansi. Another thing is that among WMU Malaysian people they love to shake hands and stuff. Although I had gotten into the habit of shaking hands with them for the sake of socializing, it’s just not my style shaking hands with guys. I feel very uncomfortable holding hands with guys even though it’s just a handshake. I prefer to do the pat on the shoulder thing but I don’t know whether these sensitive guys think that I’m making a pass on them or something. Furthermore, my friends back in Malaysia are girls and I prefer to embrace them with a hug rather than a handshake.
Enough of negative thoughts that are clouding my head, I rather talk about the positive stuff. It’s already November and temperatures are reaching to the zeros. But then I can’t wait for the 15th to come as I would be picking up my sister from Chicago. Woot, actually I find it quite stressful as well because I’m not very familiar with Chicago. Hopefully my GPS won’t die out on me because I don’t have Elsie to guide me around. Seriously I wonder how could she remember all the roads at the back of her hand?
Oh and you people should watch Pushing Daisies. It’s a romantic tramedy, which is a mixture of tragedy and comedy. I guess it’s an oxymoron as to how a tragic incident be turned into comedy. Well, you guys have to watch it to understand it. I find it really nice cause it has a fairytale setting and also their romance is shown in a rather unique way. Don’t wanna reveal so much, go watch it youself, I think I got a crush on the main actress as well. HAHA!

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