Thursday, November 8, 2007

Snow, snow, go away

Sigh, living in Michigan during the end of the year poses great challenge for me. For one, it's getting colder and colder until it's so difficult to wake up for my 9.30am class. Come to think of it, this is so later compared to during our good 'ol high school days where we had to be at school by 7.30am.
Now with snow coming, it's gonna be worse. For starters, if i need to drive, i'll have to spend at least 10 minutes trying to scrape and brush off the snow off my windscreen. You think it's easy to brush it off but let me show you how thick the snow can be.

my car during fall

my car during winter

see how freaking thick the snow is?

In addition to that, driving in the snow is so freaking dangerous. There was this time i was tackling a corner at 25mph when i suddenly spun out and hit the curb. As a result, i have to change one of my rims. And then there was one time when i was coming back from Chicago and there was a freaking snowstorm. Instead of driving at 80mph on the freeway, i was doing 25mph together with all the other cars. I can't even see the lines on the freeway and all of us were in one line. I was freaking out as the car was literally a sled, sliding around and stuff like that. It was like the movie The Day After Tomorrow, where it snow until like there's no tomorrow.

On the fun side, driving during winter bring out the Initial D in you. I love to occasionally nudge the handbrake on slight corners where you feel the backside of the car sliding out and then you tap on the brake to slide all four tires before trying to accelerate out of the bend. Wahaha, i kinda miss doing that though.

Overall, this winter is gonna be so different compared to last year. I was quite excited about the snow but this time i loathe the snow. Oh well, at least i could run away to California during the winter. Hehe, a few more weeks to go!

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