Saturday, October 27, 2007


For the past 2 days I’ve been studying for my women’s studies. Well, it may say women’s studies but it is not limited to just upon women and their feminists’ perspective but also upon the media. By studying, I have to read two books and the first one is media jamming.
Media Jamming focuses upon how Americans are being controlled and to be put in a so called media trance. Surprisingly, most of the media, communications and advertisement contents are controlled by a handful of people in the US. It talks about how we are being brainwashed to consume more and more and more and more. I’m not exaggerating as I’ve witnessed myself of Americans being addicted to just spending. If you actually see electronic appliances that are left on the roadside the chances are they’re still working, only just that they’re old. We are brainwashed to believe that by buying or consuming products we will be blissful until the next model comes out.
Not only has it affected the way US (actually it’s a global epidemic) consumes stuff, but also the media has been sublimely shaping our thoughts and perspectives socially. A startling fact is that it is impossible for Americans to have a true relationship. What I meant by true relationship would be one that is not influenced by the media’s norms. Not the fairy tale relationship where the guy sweeps you off the feet and then he’s the most understanding and loving guy in the world where he can read your mind at the right place at the right time. You know those idealistic relationships is embedded into our mind so much that when our faces are slapped by reality, you realize it doesn’t work out that way. I had my fair share of fairytale experience at the beginning, but the outcome in real life is something that is left to be desired. We are brainwashed by the media of the expectations which isn’t always in sync with certain people. In other words, what we see in televisions shouldn’t be what one should expect, specifically in a relationship.
It is no wonder US it’s kinda screwed up. In a way, it opened my eyes to how I think in general, including the way I act, what I wear etc. In fact there is never a day in your life that you’re not exposed to advertisements from billboards right up to the urinals. In a way I wish I was never aware of all this things, cause now I always wonder that if my actions and consumer spending is a result of exposure to advertising or my own. How ironic it is also that I’m a marketing major endorsing globalizations and mass consumerism. Damn, this is screwed up!

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