Friday, October 19, 2007

Runner's High

Firstly, I would like to clarify that the intention of this blog is to only express myself. This is no ulterior motives upon doing up this blog. Like many other things, if you don’t like what is written here then you can just leave. Also, what is written inside here stays inside here. It’s my thoughts, respect it. Shall you want to say out your opinion about what I say, there is a comment section at the bottom right of each blog. Saying that, I don’t want situations where people come out and confront me about what I say in the blog. I have encountered situations where people actually did print out stuff and confronted my parents. I mean wtf? If you really have a problem then come to me, not my parents. Geeezzz
Upon clarifying myself, I shall continue about my interesting happenings in life (not). For those who known me for quite some time you all should remember the time when I was all fit, muscular and being a walking calorie calculator which pisses off almost all of my gal-friends and my then girlfriend (surprisingly). Upon embarking an ‘exciting’ journey to the US of A, from June 2006 till now I’ve gain about 50 pounds. Yes I know it’s freaking shocking. Now that I’m single, I’m now continuing what I was doing when I was single. You guessed it, I’m back to the all-protein-eater-and-a-calorie-counter-freak-while-working-out-for-hours-in-the-gym. Just a few days ago, I was all over that stupid elliptical machine. It’s like a machine where you use your legs to pedal and you can adjust the inclines and resistance. Somehow rather, the majority of the users are the gals, which is quite a sight indeed. Seeing them not only pleases my eyes, but it gives me motivation to slim down even more. I wish I could take pictures, but then they would think that I’m some perverted asian freak who is stalking them. Oh well, I intend to only exercise for half an hour on that particular machine. However, my trusty old ipod suddenly played my all time favorite Progressive Trance thus putting me in a state of trance. In the end I spent an hour on that damn machine before running in the indoor track for an uncountable number of times.
It’s been a while since I’ve had that ‘high’ feeling. If you run long distance and just continue pushing yourself, at first you’ll feel like you’re going to give up. But if you continue running on, when you get past that stage then you’ll feel that numb sensation while you brain gets ‘high’. I’m serious, if you really feel like giving up, push on and then you’ll get the so called runner/jogger’s high. It’s a nice feeling that only lasts as long as a minute before you really feel like giving up. Just a warning though, if you feel a sharp pain in your heart, then you should stop immediately. Being in the US, I shall not relieve myself of any reliability shall anyone who attempts the runners high and succumb into undesirable circumstances. I will however claim responsibility if it turns out to be something good for you. Wahaha!
Ok I babble too much. I shall stop for now. Seeyaz.

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