Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Don’t Think It’ll Never Happen To You

Not too long ago, I was talking to my sister who actually called me. She was telling me that these past few days there had been this bush fires raging across San Diego. It went through San Bernado and also Scripts Ranch area, where my eldest sister and my second sister are living respectively.
A few hours before talking to my sister, my friends was telling me that in San Diego got fires and stuff. They seemed to be more concern for my sisters than myself. My assumption was that it’ll never reach them and continue on minding my own business.
There I go again, my sheer ignorance has taken over me again. I have to admit that sometimes I can be just plain blur and ignorant, just like this case with my sisters. This is one of the reasons why I have failed in my relationship, not being able to be sensitive enough to know about my partner’s feelings, emotions etc. without her telling me.
Another thing is that I also have this mentality that it’ll never happen to me. It’s quite an arrogant way of thinking and also ignorant at the same time, if you get what I mean. For this case, the bush fires actually did affect both of my sisters. They had to evacuate to their friends place which coincidentally was in the same apartment complex. This give both my sisters time to catch up with things as they live about 15 minutes apart and that my second sister has no time as she has to tend to her family.
Ok I’m getting sidetracked. Basically, this blog has been created to tell you and myself that we should never take things for granted. Yes nothing serious happened to my sisters but imagine the worst happened, I would seriously regret it for the rest of my life since even my friends warn me about it. Oh well, I guess I would call my second sister tomorrow to find out how she is. I heard she hasn’t move back to her place since her area has a lot of ashes floating in the air. Sigh, sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever learn to be more aware of things……..

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