Thursday, December 27, 2007

Approaching The New Year

As new year comes, I always get philosophic about the year that is going to become a part of history. This year is no exception as I ponder and ponder about everything that has happened for this year. For starters, thie year would be the year that I spend my whole full year in US. Much has changed since Jan 1st till now. There is some things that I wish I could change albeit I never regret my decisions. I just bear the consequences and hopefully I would learn from it.
This is the first time in 2 over years that I could have my whole family here. Of course there are additions to the 'family' that includes my sister's husband Chris and her daughter Zoey. There is also an unofficial addition of Richard, my sister's boyfriend. Haha it's only official when they're married I guess. *hint*hint* ;P
I guess the cliche thing to do now is to do a new years resolution, follow it religiously for the first week of new year and then screw it and forget about it. However, my new years resolution is not to make any new years resolution. Haha that's an oxymoron for you. The thing is that new year's resolutions which generally are meant to be for the better are always not achieved cause either they're too ambitious or too vague. In the end most resolutioners would achieve nothing, get dissappointed, get wasted and then declare their resolution with a three quarter empty bottle of whiskey on the other hand. All I'm trying to say that instead of making glorified and big resolutions, we should be aim small and have specific series of resolutions. For example maybe by march I should apply at least 10 jobs and to have at least 3 interviews, by graduation I have at least 2 job offers that is related to automobile marketing in California and to buy my realistic Honda Fit at the end of the year. A vague resolution would be to have a good paying job and to work towards it. An ambitious one would be to be a VP of an automobile marketing and have my seven cars that i could drive every other day. Resolutions can be done any time of the year. Hell i can even make a resolution right now instead of the new year.
So what am I gonna do on New Years eve? Ideally I just want to spent some time alone on the beach side, sipping champagne and watch the sun set while telling myself what a year 2007 has been. If there is one word that sums up year 2007, it would be Unexpected.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, my family and I celebrated Christmas over at Cindy's place last night. We had some dessert, champagne, wine etc and as usual I gulped most of the wine and champagne. After that it was the most exciting part of course and that is the opening of the presents. Hehe my dad was so shocked when we bought him that GPS. Sigh, I love that GPS too cause it's one the latest ones. However, while i was playing with it i found out that it has a dead pixel. Not a big deal but i hate it when u see this white dot over there, it pisses me off!
For a while now my family is procastinating upon planning a road trip. We might not go to Arizona after all but instead going along California coast. I wanna go to The OC though. Maybe I would just hang around the driveway and then see some hot blonde chick and then fall in love and get married happily ever after, solving my PR and love problems. Hahaha talking about killing two birds with one stone.
Nothing much to talk about for now. I think we're done visiting around San Diego already. Now I'm just more of chilling out and stuff. Till then....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happenings in a day in California

Oh, life in California is nice. It's even better when my whole family is around. Anywayz, I went around to La Jolla cove and had some fun. Here are some picturesThis is the cove area. Behind me are hotels and private residentials. Imagine waking up every morning to this view. It's a sight to behold!
Guess what are all these longish thing on the beach? It's actually the seals. Since it is winter in the northern area, many migrate over to San Diego for holidays. Haha even the seals have holidays ya know! All of them are so adorable, fat and cute. Most of them are resting and look dead. I was tempted to throw a pebble to wake them up.Meet Bubbley, my little pet seal. Hehe, among all the other seals, this one is so cute and it's fur is whitish grey. I had a video with the seals all bouncing up and down but i dunno how to put it on my blog.
A candid shot of my dad taking a picture of the sunset. Surprisingly in San Diego the sun sets at around 5 something. Sigh, I wish the sun could hang around longer. After that we headed to an Italian restaurant to have dinner. Over there we were served by this waitress named Laura. The table is covered with papers so she used a crayon and wrote her name there. She looks pretty hot and I was being cheeky at that time so this was what I did....
Unfortunately, she still hasn't call. To be fair I didn't dare to leave it there as it is so I took this picture and then covered the 'call me' part with the bill folder. So there is a chance that she might not see this at all. Or maybe she has a boyfriend so she ignored it. Oh well, I didn't expect much anywayz. I was doing it more for the cheekiness of it hahahaha!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

In California

Hello everyone. It's been a hectic week for me with all the finals and stuff going on. Well, after my finals I then shift into my new place for good. Well, let me show you some pictures of my new room.

This is the pictures of my room. I know it's nothing extravagant or elaborate but at least now I can finally rest in peace in my little own room. I have been sleeping like a pig for the last few days. Oh well, the set up is not perfect as i would like to put the screen next to my bed so I could watch tv shows whenever I want to.
After packing up on Friday, in the afternoon i drove to Chicago to mee up with my mom's friend to stay there overnight. Her house is located on North Chicago and her house is really unique. It's a townhouse with 9 rooms although they rented out the top floor while they kept the other two floors for their own use. They then have a little garden and a two-car garage. It's rather cosy and nice as well plus with the snow falling it is a nice sight to behold.
I then flew to California, where I met up with my whole family. I also finally met my niece Zoey whom is really smart. I mean kids nowadays are damn smart man. I bet when I was two years old I was busy banging my head against the wall thus not surprisingly my brain has went hay-wired. Then this afternoon we went to the winery to do experience wine-tasting. I was the designated driver for the day, but ended up being the designated alcohol dumping ground as I was drinking like mad. I didn't know certain wines could be so sweet tasting so I gulped most of the sweet wines and ended up being a bit tipsy hahahahaha!
Oh well, that's it for this whole week. Finally I could see my niece and also it has been a while since the whole family has been together. Haha till then seeya guys!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

In Pieces

Telling me to go
But hands beg me to stay
Your lips say that you love
Your eyes say that you hate
Theres truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
What you build you lay to waste
Theres truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've gots what you didn't take
So I, I wont be the one
Be the one to leave this in pieces
And you, you will be alone
Alone with all your secrets and regrets
Dont lie
You promise me the sky
Then toss me like a stone
You wrap me in your arms
And chill me to the bone
Theres truth in your lies
Doubt in your faith
All I've gots what you didn't take
So I, I wont be the one
Be the one to leave this in pieces
And you, you will be alone
Alone with all your secrets and regrets
Dont lie
So I, I wont be the one
Be the one to leave this in pieces
And you, you will be alone
Alone with all your secrets and regrets
Dont lie
For the whole semester, this song has been ringing in my head many times. It comes to a point where i can even sing it at the back of my head. Well, this song is a reflection of how I feel for the whole semester. People here who are reading my blog would know what I'm whining about.
At the end of a semester, I'm always reflective of what I have done, how I wish I could do things differently, bla bla bla. And it's always the same cycle over and over again. At the end of the semester, I would bargain with god telling the divine that I would study harder, more consistent and would read through every chapter before going to class and listen to the lecturer properly. This always happen at the eve of exams, which is exactly now. At time god would answer my prayers like my spring semester, where i got results that are much better than I've expected. Somehow rather, my fall results are left much to be desired. But when exams is over, I would forget about god and start celebrating like there's no tomorrow. I'm still contemplating whether I should head over to my friend's place to drink like mad. I am worried that I might say crazy things like the last time where I dissing about Elsie's current boyfriend. Haha my friend was telling me how I was saying his Mazda RX7 is only 400hp bla bla bla and that Elsie is only after his money. I was like what the fuck??!!! I can't even remember saying much of the stuff except about the 400hp. Since then it the '400hp only-mah' has become an inside joke to my very selected few friends.
Speaking about that, I was planning to end this semester in a good note with Elsie as well. Not to say I'm so desperate to be in her good side, it's just that I don't like to leave things hanging, and I still have this feeling that we're still kinda in bad terms and stuff like that. I was planning to send a christmas card saying merry christmas bla bla bla, hope you have a good time and that hope things between us wouldn't be awkward and that she made an impact in my life bla bla bla bla bla. However, while I was talking to my mom she asked me how is Elsie and I. We then continued talking until somehow rather I start recalling the sequence of events that has happened till today. While reminiscing the past, I started getting more pissed off till the point i thought to myself "Fuck this shit, I wonder why I should be the one trying to make amends". Yes call it my childish and immature thoughts, but somehow I just couldn't be bothered at the moment.
Sigh, I think I should start studying again. I can't wait for this exams to be over though. Then I can move out of my old place and officially move into my new place, fix my beloved car and fly off to sunny San Diego, California. I shall elaborate more about my new place in my next post, complete with pictures and stuff. Till then...........

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Lazy bum

Sorry for the long absense of my blog. After thanksgiving, i've been really really lazy. Knowing that my parents are now in California having holidays making me even lazier. Not to mention the snow that is falling is making it worse. Not to mention that going to California in 1 week 6 days is making it worse. Haih, so lazy to study-la.
Anywayz, thanksgiving with my sister was great, although it could be better. Stupid car decided to freaking break down on thanksgiving itself. I was like hello???!!!!! not now! In the end we had to rent a car to go down to Chicago.
Being in Chicago brings me back to my senses. Living in the kampung with kampung people makes me insane. They're too friendly, their driving manners is too good that i have trouble trying to drive around and their air is too clean that my lungs are getting lazy cause they don't need to work so much to filter out the air. Oh and there is not big shopping centers where i could shop for the latest Nike shoes or something.
OOooooo i forgot to mention that while i was in chicago, my sister dropped by in this bigelow shop that got me interested in skin care products. Well, I'm already 22 and it's not too young to take care of my skin. As a result, my sister bought me this face wash while i bought a vitamin serum and face moisturizer. All of this are from Zirh (rhymes with sir). Oh well, call me a vain pot for all i care, i read some rave reviews as this product is one of the pioneer men skin care products. But then it's not to say that they're cheap as well. My face wash cost 17bucks for 250ml while my vitamin serum cost around 30bucks for 50ml while my moisturizer costs 28bucks for 100ml. Oh well, beauty doesn't come cheap i guess. Hahahaha!