Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Wish List

Ahem, attention to everyone out there, christmas is coming *hint*hint* Anyone feel like being the Santa Claus? Hehe, anywayz, i shall post my top 5 favorite list just in case you all are being generous.
5. Lamborghini Reventon
Lamborghini Reventon is basically a reworked Lamborghini LP640. What makes this car so special is that the design is inspire from the F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet and the results are breathtaking. Only 20 of this are made and it costs around 1.4 million dollars each. Upon first impression, I find the car hideous. Looking at the car from the front reminds me of a duck.

quack quack?

However, the rest of the design is awe inspiring and inside the interior the fighter jet theme continues. The speedometer of the Reventon looks as though it's straight of the Raptor's HUD display. I am very sure that all 20 of those cars has been snapped up by all the rich billionaires. So maybe a Bugatti Veyron would be a nice alternative. Hehe 4. Wallypower 118 Superyatcht.
I have never been interested in a yatcht or boats before until I saw this boat. It was when i watched The Island that i first saw this yatcht and i feel in love with it. This boat has managed to look exclusive, commanding, extravagant and imposing with a minimalistic lines and design. The sleek minimalist lines of the 118 WallyPower are the result of an extensive research and development program that included water tank testing at the SSPA facility in Goteborg, Sweden, and wind tunnel testing at the Ferrarifacility in Maranello, Italy. Furthermore, this superyatcht is in jet black color and is built from carbon fiber. Even the toilet seat cover is made from carbon fiber. If you want this boat, it would be available to you for 20 million dollars.

3. Piaggo P180 Avanti II
In Formula One, Ferrari uses their aerodynamic gizmos to keep their multi million dollar cars on the ground. Flip those aerodynamics around and you'll get Piaggo P180 Avanti II. Piaggo are sponsors of the Scuderia Ferrari team and all the formula one drivers, CEOs and executives of Ferrari are shuffled all over the world with this jet. Interestingly, instead of jet propulsion, the Avanti II uses backwards-mounted turboprops. With a 450 mph top speed, it's the fastest turboprop in the world. It has a 1,800-mile range and 41,000-ft maximum cruising altitude but uses 30% less fuel than a comparable jet. If i have one of this, i would really love to have this in Ferrari Red.

2. Orange County Mansion
The sprawling mansion in Orange County California is one of the three most expensive homes for sale in America. The price? A whopping 75 million dollars!
The mansion, known as Portabello by the Sea, is 22,000 square feet, has 8 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, incredible ocean views and is entirely state of the art.
The spectacular abode also has a beautiful kitchen with wrap-around granite counter tops.
It even has its own old-fashioned movie theater complete with a lobby and a bowling alley.
Talk about home sweet home!

1. My own family
Bet you guys didn't expect this one coming. Among the multi-million dollar mansions, cars, jets and superyatchts, nothing beat the love of your own family and to be with them. Having been through all the ups and downs in my life, my family has always been there for me. I admit that I used to take my family love for granted, and being such a bitch by rebelling against them. Since coming to US, especially the past few months of my life really made me appreciate my family more than ever, and that they would always be the person that i am able to count on. Although there are times that we have conflicts and arguements, but I know that they are doing it out of love and for my best interest. So, albeit I never get to say this often to my family, I really love you guys and appreciate everything you have done for me. Without them, I would not be where am I today, I would not be the person that I am today. Once again, I love you all very much.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Rants and a severance of a 'friendship'

Let me start this by warning you first, this post is gonna be damn fucking depressing. Why one might ask? Cause i have this 7 page paper that is due in 10 hours time and i really dunno what to write. Guess what subject i'm taking? Medievial studies! Now only i realize that in the middle of medievial studies, there is a DIE word there that is staring right back at me. DIE-LOR! I didn't know that freaking Medievial studies is so darn difficult. I thought it's gonna be easy cause it is a 1000 level class. Didn't know that it's gonna be so darn difficult with all the sohai king fighting left, right, up and down. At this moment i feel like shit now, and then i start wondering why is god punishing me for all this bullshit. And then i start thinking of my life as a whole, why my life is not being as smooth as i thought. I know this is just the down point of my life, but i can't help but feeling sorry for myself for being in this situation. And then i feel that everything is against me bla bla bla and so on.
It's not like my life is that bad, just that i love to rant a lot. To be honest, my life is too good that it's getting boring. While i'm ranting over assignments, I forgot that at least a billion people are starving to death. While i'm feeling sorry of being bored and lonely, i forgot that there are people who are dealing with other worse things like the death of their close family. To be honest, my life is too perfect in a way that it comes to a point that it's boring and meaningless. At this point of my life, i'm feeling lost, i have felt that my sense of direction in life is just in circles. I'm always hoping for an external factor to inspire me or to wake up, knowing very well that the inspiration should come from myself. I'm always hoping for some guardian angel to come down and hand me the things i want in a silver platter. The problem is that even if there is a silver platter handed down to me, i'm not even reaching to take it.
So why am i ranting? I sometimes wonder if i'd given up on life. I find even my parents are more occupied in their life, especially when at their age they should be settling down and relax. Don't get me wrong, i'm not suicidal it's just that i'm drifitng along in life. Metaphorically speaking, i'm just drifting along in the river, waiting for someone to pick me up from the river and shake me up.
Besides this, i'd something that has been keeping inside me for quite sometime. One of my friends JJ messaged me on MSN after missing in action for a million years. JJ is my ex-gf's(LL) best friend and also one of my close friends. JJ said hi and i said hi how are you and all those bullshit. One thing that ticked me off was that she said she is very free now for the whole of november. In my mind i was thinking "WTF??!! so when you're free and not hanging out with your oh-so-happening friends then only you come and look for me-la" To be honest i felt very dissappointed over the whole debacle i had with LL also. I felt JJ wasn't there supporting me enough and that she wasn't there for me when i needed her the most. Yes i know you're busy with all your theatre stuff but just to spend a few minutes to talk to me wouldn't hurt ain't it? You've been hanging out for quite alot of times with LL when she was back in Malaysia and you can't even bother to back me up even a single bit? Who was the one who had your back before you were all famous and stuff in the theatre industry? Let me tell you a story. There was this time when JJ's laptop got stolen from her car. To complicate matters JJ always bring her laptop to college because of II, one of their supposedly good friends whom now JJ and LL had severed ties with. Anywayz, JJ is putting the blame on II because II always ask JJ to bring the laptop to college for II to use, cause II doesn't have a laptop and that the college computers suck. JJ was quite reluctant to bring it to college but chooses to bring it anywayz. Then on one fine day, after college JJ went out to have dinner and then later yam cha. At that time it was night time and since JJ came straight from college the laptop was left in the car. Soon after that the laptop's stolen and that there wasn't any sign of break-in. JJ didn't want her mom to know so she has to come up with the money. At that time she was on a verge of breakdown, she looked so lost and she was so scared of what would her mom's reaction would be shall JJ tell her mom that the laptop was stolen. At that moment, i told her straight away that i would settle the thing no questions ask. Forget the fact that i only know her well only for the past couples of months, forget the fact that i felt it was her fault cause i believe she didn't lock her car, forget the fact i feel it was wrong on blaming II for JJ's own carelessness, I told her straight away that no matter what, i would settle it for you, the money i can loan to you. Honestly speaking at that time, i was willing to forgo the money cause at that time she wasn't working and very much occupied with her studies.
This is how much i had JJ's back. To me loyalty comes first. This is how i treat my close friends, family and my loved ones. I don't fucking care whether or not i feel that you are wrong or what, i'll fucking back you up, and that is exactly what i did when she needed help the most. But when it was her turn to back me up, I feel that she was on LL's side. I guess it's understandable since LL and JJ are closer compare to me. It was my foolish and naive thought that JJ would back me up shall i need her help. Maybe i expect too much from a friendship. Maybe i'm the only stupid one that would help my 'friends'. Maybe i'm just too fucking stupid to see who are the ones that really care for me and those who are just fucking pretend to be friends. Now i see the cold reality of people. I'd always thought that human beings naturally would help a person in need of help, but now i think otherwise. I thought it is instinctual that we would help someone in need, but that's just not always the case.
So when she finally message me on MSN a few days ago, I look at her just as an acquaintance. I guess sometimes it's better to be alone, where i know that i wouldn't be backstabbed, ridiculed, betrayed and worse be dissappointed.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Snow, snow, go away

Sigh, living in Michigan during the end of the year poses great challenge for me. For one, it's getting colder and colder until it's so difficult to wake up for my 9.30am class. Come to think of it, this is so later compared to during our good 'ol high school days where we had to be at school by 7.30am.
Now with snow coming, it's gonna be worse. For starters, if i need to drive, i'll have to spend at least 10 minutes trying to scrape and brush off the snow off my windscreen. You think it's easy to brush it off but let me show you how thick the snow can be.

my car during fall

my car during winter

see how freaking thick the snow is?

In addition to that, driving in the snow is so freaking dangerous. There was this time i was tackling a corner at 25mph when i suddenly spun out and hit the curb. As a result, i have to change one of my rims. And then there was one time when i was coming back from Chicago and there was a freaking snowstorm. Instead of driving at 80mph on the freeway, i was doing 25mph together with all the other cars. I can't even see the lines on the freeway and all of us were in one line. I was freaking out as the car was literally a sled, sliding around and stuff like that. It was like the movie The Day After Tomorrow, where it snow until like there's no tomorrow.

On the fun side, driving during winter bring out the Initial D in you. I love to occasionally nudge the handbrake on slight corners where you feel the backside of the car sliding out and then you tap on the brake to slide all four tires before trying to accelerate out of the bend. Wahaha, i kinda miss doing that though.

Overall, this winter is gonna be so different compared to last year. I was quite excited about the snow but this time i loathe the snow. Oh well, at least i could run away to California during the winter. Hehe, a few more weeks to go!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Ok I should seriously stop this kind of emo shit to dominate my blog but then I was chatting with one of my friends and then she told me she has a blog. I then pestered her to let me see her blog and so there it was, and I being such a busybody go rummage through the blog like a small kid who just got a candy.
As I read further through the blog, I realized that her brother passed away on Dec last year. I didn’t ask her anything about it though as I’m not good at approaching people as I would say something stupid that might offend them. Anywayz, I was quite shocked also as I asked the other day how many siblings she had. She said she got a brother and then I keep blabbing on that the only son very stressful cause we have to carry on the family name and so on. As usual, I’m quite callous of people’s feelings cause when I was talking to her I never look at her face to face, more like side by side while walking.
That made me think what would happen someone significant in my life just pass away?? Words even can’t describe how I am going to get through it. It kinda made me damn emo some more. Sigh, stupid thing-la, nowadays everything also emo emo to the max. I feel I’m becoming more like a whiny bitch only.
Anywayz, I’ve already opened up the comments to anyone instead of just registered users. Thanks Natalie for pointing it out to me. You are my sweet darling. Ekekeke

Friday, November 2, 2007

To blog or not to blog? (random thoughts)

I am seriously contemplating whether or not I should close this blog. Firstly, very few people know about this blog and from the impression I get they either forgot the address or don’t even bother reading at all. I guess this blog should be more for me. However, the lack of events that is happening upon me resulted in me not being able to say much about myself. Oh I just came back from casino, more or less break even as I only won 3 bucks. Ok random thought popping out of my head.
Another thing is that I’m wondering whether or not to put my blog address on my MSN nick. I can’t really remember what I wrote inside and I’m just worried that I might offend somebody in WMU. Everyone here is so damn freaking sensitive that it’s unbelievable. Just because I prefer to keep to myself and don’t really talk to people, they think I’m lansi. Another thing is that among WMU Malaysian people they love to shake hands and stuff. Although I had gotten into the habit of shaking hands with them for the sake of socializing, it’s just not my style shaking hands with guys. I feel very uncomfortable holding hands with guys even though it’s just a handshake. I prefer to do the pat on the shoulder thing but I don’t know whether these sensitive guys think that I’m making a pass on them or something. Furthermore, my friends back in Malaysia are girls and I prefer to embrace them with a hug rather than a handshake.
Enough of negative thoughts that are clouding my head, I rather talk about the positive stuff. It’s already November and temperatures are reaching to the zeros. But then I can’t wait for the 15th to come as I would be picking up my sister from Chicago. Woot, actually I find it quite stressful as well because I’m not very familiar with Chicago. Hopefully my GPS won’t die out on me because I don’t have Elsie to guide me around. Seriously I wonder how could she remember all the roads at the back of her hand?
Oh and you people should watch Pushing Daisies. It’s a romantic tramedy, which is a mixture of tragedy and comedy. I guess it’s an oxymoron as to how a tragic incident be turned into comedy. Well, you guys have to watch it to understand it. I find it really nice cause it has a fairytale setting and also their romance is shown in a rather unique way. Don’t wanna reveal so much, go watch it youself, I think I got a crush on the main actress as well. HAHA!