Thursday, August 7, 2008

Isn't it Ironic?

If anyone is watching CNN news lately, I think they would know what I mean when I say CNN news is seriously biased. I had always thought CNN is neutral upon reporting news and such but lately I am having serious doubts about it.

I'm sure by now you would asking why I would say that. For starters, the focus upon Beijing olympics is by most a negative one. They focused upon how bad the air pollution is in Beijing. And then they talked about how the Chinese government are bugging the hotels and taxis that enable them to listen to what they have to say. Furthermore, they have been reporting about how this Chinese kids are being sent to some special training center where they're being trained but the way CNN puts it is as though they're being tortured. That and I haven't even touched about attempts to sabotage China by reporting inferior products and the conflict with Tibet.

Seriously, they're talking as though the good 'ol USA is so totally clean with dandy sunflowers growing everywhere and blue skies looming all over. US citizens has the largest carbon footprint compared to any other people in the world. Furthermore, they're also the most polluted industrialized nation in the world, even when they dump most of their toxic waste to other countries and then crying out pollution on them. Talking about bugging hotels and taxis with microphones and cameras, in London there's a camera in every street corner. In the USA, they have an Executive Order in which the government could tap into your bank account and even listen to your cellphone conversations, although they try to justify it by saying they only do it when they have enough evidence to show that you have some linkage to Al-Qaeda or some islamic extremists.

And here comes the most ironic part. USA has been talking crap about how all this hazardous products that doesn't meet the safety requirements etc etc. When they attempt to punish those companies who were manufacturing these stuff, they shot themselves in the foot when those violating companies are based in the good 'ol US of A.

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