Thursday, August 28, 2008

Clémence Poésy

To those very few whom I've been talking to lately, you would know who is this girl. Right now this lady is the only reason why I feel like jumping on a plane and fly off to France to look for her. But anyways, as with most French words, her name is pronounced as clema pozei, if this actually gives a more accurate pronounciation.

It was in one of the random movies that I had when I first got to know about her. The name of the movie is In Bruges, which talks about two murderers and she plays as a drug dealer. Damn if all drug dealers are this hot I would become a drug dealer myself as well haha! After cyber-stalking her i get to know that she plays as Fleur Delacour in the 4th installment of the Harry Potter movie. She is also a model and currently one of the spokesmodel of a fragrance called Chloe, which incidently the name of her character in In Bruges.

I recommend you all to go watch In Bruges although I must warn you it has an artsy wierdy kind of theme going on. It's not your typical hollywood jock chick flick that you ever so often find on movies. It can get quite boring as it doesn't really have a solid storyline behind it, which revolves around a vague romance between one of the murderers and Chloe.

One of the scenes in In Bruges

This is Clemence in the Harry Potter as Fleur Delacour

And this is one of my favorite pictures of her. *slurp! haha

Till then.........

The thought of it

I'm gonna be back in Malaysia in 2 days time. Knowing myself I can say I won't be back in US for quite sometime although I might leave some remnants of my existance in the US.
Been talking to my friends about life in Malaysia in general. In most it is of negative perceptions and one of my friends told me to forget about the air ticket and just stay back as it could well be the best 900USD spent. I have a friend who told me that Malaysia is changing because Anwar won the election. My opinion that if you think Malaysia is changing for the better you're disillusional as it takes a least a generation (20-30 years) to have some noticeable changes as a whole. Being partially Americanized & impatient I want things instantaneously, which is of a rare occurance in Malaysia. To buy a car in Malaysia is a week long affair. When I sold my car about a week ago, it took just 4-5 hours to take a look at the car, apply the loan, driving up and down to cash in the check, buy insurance and register the car. Even a bloody loan can be approved within seconds. Just to show that Malaysia has serious efficiency problems.
Another thing would be that I'm so used to the US system. I know how to register my car, renew the license plates, buy insurance, open a bank account, apply for social security etc etc. I remember back in the good old days when my mom was still driving the Kancil paying just a freaking bill would take an hour. Paying everything would be a day long affair. As nothing could be done online, it is a serious chore running here and there wasting precious time, petrol and money just to get things around in Malaysia.
But before you all think this is another rant of me stepping back to third world country, you are wrong. As much as I try to stay away from Malaysia, I cannot hide the fact that I'm excited to go back. Maybe it is because I'm bored out of my wits waiting to go back, but I cannot deny the fact that after being in Malaysia for over 20 years, I can't help but feel at home with my parents and having a sense of familiarity around. And after staying in different countries of different cultures, I come to realize that each society has its postives and their drawbacks. I can't change the fact that I'm going back, so I might as well stay positive and look forward to things that will come. Life is too short to dwell on the negativity, and so I shall stay positive no matter what.
..............who the hell am I kidding? OMFG, I'M GOING BACK TO MALAYSIA! FUCK ME!!!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Everything's Gone!

I was awaken by a call this morning. The night before there's this girl who e-mailed me about my car. I told she could see the car tomorrow and therefore the call. At first I was not expecting a sale of the car as I had so many close encounters of selling the car. Actually it was two person one which was too picky about the fact that a 9 year old car doesn't look brand new and costs only 5000USD. The other one was some Indonesian student who told me to hold on to the car till he finish his finals only to delay it by saying he wants his friend to check the car. He or the friend never showed up and calling him a couple of times he refused to pick up his phone and never called back after leaving him a voicemail asking him whether he wants the car or not. You see this is why sometimes I hate Asians, no offence really.
But this time was different. Not only that it was the only girl who was interested in the car but this sweet looking girl with sky blue eyes showed up with her whole family. As I was only awake for about 5 minutes I was dazed and just stoned while letting the family have a look at the car. She told me then that she'll be applying for a loan to get the car and then left. I thought an application of the loan would take a few days but I was surprised that at the end of the day the title was handed over and the check cashed in.
Sigh, so now I'm left with no car which is a big thing for me as taking away my car is akin to throwing me in jail. As though it couldn't get any worse, my phone line is officially dead as I disconnected it a tad bit too early before heading back to Malaysia. So I've lost my communication and my transportation, although i'm like 5k richer.
Oh and that brings me to the fact that I'm going back to Malaysia. The time has finally come. Me and my friend booked our ticket a few days earlier and we were staring at each other coming to the realization that we would have to go back to the oppressed, surpressed, racialistic, analistic, chaotic and smelly little country. We fought for like eternity on asking who should go buy the ticket first. In the end we both took our laptops and book it together with sombre silence.
Ok I know I'm like over reacting to this and stuff, but I can so imagine being helpless in Malaysia. For one I used to do everything online; banking, information, finding stuff and so on. Another thing would be that I couldn't just key in an address and let the wonders of the GPS do the work for me. I know there is a Malaysian map but it's pretty inaccurate and stuff. Sigh, I guess coming back to third world country from a develop country takes some getting used to.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mistaken Identity

I know I might be a few days late watching the Olympics opening but I'm wondering if anyone actually watched the opening on BBC (British Broadcast Channel). You know when they had the parade of the athletes, and it was Malaysia's turn to parade.
Now the funny thing was that the commentator said that there is about 6 million ethnic chinese in Malaysia and then proceeds to talk about Lee Kuan Yew, one of the most influential leaders in the country and also implementing controversial governmental policies. Wait a minute, isn't Lee Kuan Yew the leader of Singapore?
It then makes me wonder, what if Lee Kuan Yew really was the leader of Malaysia? I really feel that things would be much more different in a positive way.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Isn't it Ironic?

If anyone is watching CNN news lately, I think they would know what I mean when I say CNN news is seriously biased. I had always thought CNN is neutral upon reporting news and such but lately I am having serious doubts about it.

I'm sure by now you would asking why I would say that. For starters, the focus upon Beijing olympics is by most a negative one. They focused upon how bad the air pollution is in Beijing. And then they talked about how the Chinese government are bugging the hotels and taxis that enable them to listen to what they have to say. Furthermore, they have been reporting about how this Chinese kids are being sent to some special training center where they're being trained but the way CNN puts it is as though they're being tortured. That and I haven't even touched about attempts to sabotage China by reporting inferior products and the conflict with Tibet.

Seriously, they're talking as though the good 'ol USA is so totally clean with dandy sunflowers growing everywhere and blue skies looming all over. US citizens has the largest carbon footprint compared to any other people in the world. Furthermore, they're also the most polluted industrialized nation in the world, even when they dump most of their toxic waste to other countries and then crying out pollution on them. Talking about bugging hotels and taxis with microphones and cameras, in London there's a camera in every street corner. In the USA, they have an Executive Order in which the government could tap into your bank account and even listen to your cellphone conversations, although they try to justify it by saying they only do it when they have enough evidence to show that you have some linkage to Al-Qaeda or some islamic extremists.

And here comes the most ironic part. USA has been talking crap about how all this hazardous products that doesn't meet the safety requirements etc etc. When they attempt to punish those companies who were manufacturing these stuff, they shot themselves in the foot when those violating companies are based in the good 'ol US of A.