Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life in the San Diego, CA

I pretty like the life in San Diego. I mean from where I come from, it's safe to say that anywhere in the US is better than where I am now. Anywayz, I think I'll let the pictures do the talking here. Thanks to Qi Lian for pointing it out that I've never posted pictures for quite some time. Finally after how many freaking years of studying, I've graduated. Am now officially a bum and begging for a job. Many thanks to my parents where without them I won't be where I am today, literally hehe.Me in Detroit, MI. GM building at the back. The place is really deserted and the streets were empty on a Monday lunch hour.Me and my mom in Chicago

Oh, I became an uncle again. This is my sister's second baby daughter Justine. Erm not sure how to spell her name in chinese, but her Chinese name sounds like 'crazy' in Cantonese. Ehehe that's how I remember her Chinese name.

That's me cooking up a fire for the BBQ. I think it was pork ribs and some grilled vegetables, where obviously I didn't touch the vegetables at all.

Erm and I still have another week left in San Diego. Gonna look for a job and if I could find one here that means goodbye to my life in Kalamazoo. Although I always complain that it's boring and stuff, It is actually one of my important chapters of life.

Bye bye to my house and my car. Don't think I'm gonna keep the car for long.

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