Thursday, May 29, 2008

All in a flash

I expected this morning to be a usual morning when I was awaken by my parents phone call. They then subsequently told me to hurrily book a ticket to California because they wanted the whole family to be there. In fact our whole extended family including my in-laws are there as well. As I was still reeling from my sleepiness, I was like 'huh? California? Sounds nice. Book ticket now-ar? Em, em, ok ok I'll book now.'

Zombiely I then bring out my credit card, book the ticket and gave my parents and extra 450USD bill and then it suddenly hit me. Damn I'm going to California! I had so many errands that I have to run because of that. Now I understand why my mom is so worried when going off for holidays. Had to settle electricity bill, rent, call my mom's friend if I could crash over at her place and then gas up my car and head over to Chicago.

Although I should be sleeping now for my 8am flight, I'm so freaking excited as I would be seeing my nieces. Yes my sister gave birth again to a baby girl. I think this is the once in a lifetime thingy to see a one day old baby tomorrow. Can't wait. Till then love ya guys.

1 comment:

ai said...

awww another baby girl!!