Tuesday, July 22, 2008

When the boredom stops

Oh well, yesterday I went to Chicago. Unlike every other time where I go to Chicago and lepak, I went to Joliet, around 50 miles south west of Chicago to go for this Audi Driving Experience. I enrolled for this program about 5 months ago and totally forgot about it till this e-mail reminder told me about it.

I was hesitant to go there at first, but since Chloe, one of my friends was in Chicago I decided to kill two birds with one stone. So there I went and my first impression was that the track was in a really secluded area. I did not manage to take a lot of pictures as I was too gila over the cars.

I did a few laps around the track with a partner of mine. His name was Vince I think and coincidentally he graduated from Western Michigan as well, although he's in the class of '85. Anywayz, I had a short clip of around the track.

And I also manage to sit inside an R8 as well. You know about how supercars are like so exclusive and that you can even touch it. Naturally you would wanna get into a supercar and be in awe of the surroundings. Trust me, once I sat inside the R8 it was a bit disappointing cause it's very simple. I mean supercars are all about performance so nothing great inside the car.

Here's the engine of the car

After that I head to Chicago and met up with Chloe and her other friends. Chloe and myself hang around the Millenium park for a few hours catching up with each other before going to an italian restaurant to have dinner. Damn it I forgot what's the name of the restaurant already.

Chloe & Me (yes me fatty fat with trillion chin)

yummy yummy food.

Actually the food is ok-la, but then actually I can also cook that as well. Haha I've been practicing my spaghetti cooking skills for a few days already. Since it's already dinner time, I might just start cooking now till then bye bye!

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