Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saving Petrol/Gas

In the event of recent soaring gas prices, people are complaining how expensive they are. They can complain all they want until the cows come home, get slaughtered and eaten and still one can't control the prices, as the OPEC bastards are the one controlling the supply. So instead of doing that, there is a few ways you could save petrol.

1. Consider the car you're buying - Please do not be confused by the whole notion of people switching to a Prius just to save gas. It only when you are thinking of buying a new car that this option is viable. If you're thinking of just saving fuel, Prius is NOT the cheapest car in the long run. A diesel can achieve just about the same mileage and you don't have to contend with the battery change as your hybrid battery loses its charge. It typically cost about 6000USD just to change the batteries, which will counter your gas savings. If you really wanna be a hippie and own a hybrid, get a brand new one with a warranty.

Die hippie Prius!

2. Maintain your car properly - This includes changing spark plugs, air filters, fuel filters etc etc. If you're not sure what to do, go get a trusted mechanic to do the changes for you. It might cost quite a bit but in the long run a car that can runs properly would not only get more mileage from your black gold, but also potentially save you from expensive repairs due to excessive wear and tear.

3. The way you drive - This is the single most important factor of your MPG. You could potentially save up to 33% just by changing the way you drive. Some people think driving frugally amounts to driving like a grandma travelling 5mph. All you have to do is to follow the speed limit. In the US, traffic signals are design in such a way that if you drive within the speed limit you can drive through traffic signals without succumbing to a red light. Another way is to drive as though you don't have brakes. There are many ways of saving gas by driving properly, although there are technics that could be quite dangerous. For example inflating your tires over the recommended tire pressure and also drafting behind a semi. If you wanna learn more, go to

There are like many ways that you can save gas. But usually the most effective way is simply to use common sense. So stop complaining and start acting upon the way you drive.

Monday, June 23, 2008


It's been a week since I came back from California. Somehow rather everytime I go there, I always have a different outtake of life in a positive way. I heard from a person that of all the places he has been in US, California, specifically San Diego is one of the best places to be. Somehow rather I couldn't agree more.

The days in Michigan on the other hand is much longer now. Below is a few pictures that I've taken at about 9 something a night.

Other than that, I'm still trying to find job, trying to run abit to lose weight. There was a research that thin people has a 28% advantage over fat people to succeed in life. I think the reason is that a healthy body is a healthy mind. It also shows how committed you are as well. If you can't even take care of yourself, how are you supposed to take care of your jobs and other commitments?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

'That' Commercial

Just in case you guys were wondering which song of the Viagra commercial is, here it is. The last few seconds of the video

So now your head can get stuck to that tune and sing it in public.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Effects of advertising

Spending time watching tv would inevitably lead to you being exposed to advertisement. Most of the time an hour long tv show is only 40 minutes with 20 minutes of advertisement, which means you waste about a third of your tv time watching advertisements.

Well, you know how advertisements are designed to attract your attention, whether ethical or not. For example they can include a sexy hot chick, which works like 100% of the time to men unless they're gay. Other ways include gory images, violence, or even some catchy song.

Lately it seems there is a lot of impotent people around. Or maybe it's because it's the Viagra's 10th anniversary. Time really passes by fast, it was like only yesterday when I was joking with my friends in high school about viagra. Anywayz, they have this catchy song that they always sing whenever every freaking advertisement about viagra is aired. After long exposure to it, I found myself being hooked on to that catchy little song.

So on one fine day I was in a cafe minding my own business. I guess I was in some mind spasm mode as I had thoughts running around my head. Somehow suddenly out of nowhere this stupid viagra song come into my mind. Being in my own worldly state I did not realize that I was in a public place and like having a life on its own my mouth sang " Vivaaaaaaaaa. vivaaaaaa, viAGRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"

A few seconds later was one of the most wtf and embarassing moments in my life. As though being an Asian isn't outstanding enough, now I'm pretty sure that they must be thinking that this mad Asian is in need of not only some erectyle disfunction treatment but also a psychological treatment. Sigh, I think I should stop watching movies on tv. It's all your fault!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life in the San Diego, CA

I pretty like the life in San Diego. I mean from where I come from, it's safe to say that anywhere in the US is better than where I am now. Anywayz, I think I'll let the pictures do the talking here. Thanks to Qi Lian for pointing it out that I've never posted pictures for quite some time. Finally after how many freaking years of studying, I've graduated. Am now officially a bum and begging for a job. Many thanks to my parents where without them I won't be where I am today, literally hehe.Me in Detroit, MI. GM building at the back. The place is really deserted and the streets were empty on a Monday lunch hour.Me and my mom in Chicago

Oh, I became an uncle again. This is my sister's second baby daughter Justine. Erm not sure how to spell her name in chinese, but her Chinese name sounds like 'crazy' in Cantonese. Ehehe that's how I remember her Chinese name.

That's me cooking up a fire for the BBQ. I think it was pork ribs and some grilled vegetables, where obviously I didn't touch the vegetables at all.

Erm and I still have another week left in San Diego. Gonna look for a job and if I could find one here that means goodbye to my life in Kalamazoo. Although I always complain that it's boring and stuff, It is actually one of my important chapters of life.

Bye bye to my house and my car. Don't think I'm gonna keep the car for long.