Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Final Goodbye

Last thursday, Derek (who is myself describing in third party, just in case people who are too blur) & Danielle had a final presentation for their marketing class. Danielle was Derek's partner and has been so since the beginning of semester. So on thursday itself, D&D was preparing for the epic final presentation printing out all the neccessary crap that is needed for the presentation. Not knowing to D&D was that Holy & Kirsten was having a final presentation as well.

While Derek was busy grabbing hold of his stuff and packing up, Danielle went over to Holy & Kirsten and started talking to them. After Derek clumsily grab hold of all the stuff, he went over to the 3 of them, where they started talking about other people who has went through the presentation. Derek being the shy one, started stoning and wishing how soon he would had finally be done with his final presentation. Actually, he kinda had a crush on Kirsten, and he was like thinking oh well this is the last time he would be seeing her as there are no more classes. Them all being dressed professionally was just a bonus as well.

Then out of the blue, Kirsten then suddenly turned to Derek, who was still daydreaming with his mouth wide open, started talking to him. This were her words "Oh Derek by the way, your haircut looks great! I saw that when you were walking in to class yesterday" (on Wednesday). At first Derek was stunned, like a deer gettig caught with the brightest set of headlights ever! He then sheepily said "Oh thanks alot!" and he could felt his face burning red with embarrasment.

Derek then thought to himself "OMG, is this some kind of sign or something? This whole semester Kirsten never even spoke a word to me and I was fine until she has to say those words" Sigh, Derek may never know what she actually meant, as he might never ever meet her again.

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