Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ditching that car...at least partially

Many of you would know that I'm a serious car nut enthusiast. But now with the rising fuel costs getting ridiculously expensive I'm seriously wondering whether it is cheaper to just sell off my freaking car. As much as I love my car, that junk get's me only 15mpg running around the city even with me driving like a 200 year old granny. Furthermore, I've been using the bus quite often now to go to classes except for early classes as I always wake up late.

Come to think of it, I got the car because of some people nagging to get a car and so on. Now that she's not in the picture anymore and that I'm single, the car is basically more of a liability than a convenience. I still have to pay that odd 500dollars of insurance for no apparent reason plus gas which many people are saying going to hit $4.00 per gallon. For my friends who are living in EU countries, i know it's freaking cheap but coming from Malaysia, our petrol only runs around 2.29USD/gallon after conversion.

So I guess my freedom to go around is limited by how far I can walk or the bus can go. Not to worry though, I was thinking of getting a scooter! Yes, I can so imagine myself being a dork with a Honda Metropolitan scooter. It's minuscle 49cc engine goes to the top speed of 40mph. Me hovering over 200pounds would mean it might only go around 30mph. On the upside however, I am getting around 100mpg and it is classified as a moped thus no need to pay those fucking insurance bastards money for nothing. I might very well just do that after my parents go back to Malaysia after my graduation.

Oh well, that's all I can rant about for now. Have a freaking test tomorrow. Seeya all.

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