Sunday, October 26, 2008

To put yourself in one others' shoes

It is not a big secret that I don’t get along with most people. But don’t get me wrong here as I’m not a social outcast whom couldn’t socialize with anyone. What I mean not getting along is that my views as compared to the society is often to the contrary and at most times vulnerable to misunderstanding. This is why more often than not I have to suppress my freedom of speech and to just go along with the crowd. Even on my blog I have to make sure that what is said out here does not create a misconception let alone offend people. However, exceptions once in a while on my own blog wouldn’t hurt so much I guess.

One of the better things in Malaysia as compared to the US would be that it has Hitz fm. There was a radio station back in Kalamazoo which was similar to Hitz fm; that it repeats the songs that are deemed as ‘hits’. The problem with the radio station in Kalamazoo is that they would have a severely limited amount of songs that would be put on repeat. It is as though the whole radio station is running of an ipod with just only 10 songs in it. I can still remember when I was working in the cafeteria and the Umbrella song was included in the 10 song list that in an hour you could hear ela ela ela ela eh eh eh eh under my ela ela ela eh eh eh eh a few fucking times much to my desire to shoot myself in the head.

Excuse me while I get sidetracked here. Back to Hitz fm, instead of ela ela ela ela eh eh eh you hear a lot of advertisement which are far less annoying. One of the advertisements that really got my attention was about getting people to report about women abuse. It got me thinking about how the society would react towards women abuse. Shall we live in a less civilized country I am sure that the abuser (which of course would be the men, typically the husband) would be detained and be beaten to death by a bunch of bra-burning-unshaven-armpit-hair-men-hating feminists. In a civilized country we would take pity of the abused and often or not report to the feminist agencies or whatever they call themselves. As I think about this scenario here comes my unorthodox thinking which often is controversial. Feminists can stop reading here now.

I had always wonder why would a woman choose to stay in a relationship if it was an abusive one? Given the social advancements of gender equality a women walking out of a relationship would not cause a social uproar unlike the medieval times where they would be stoned to death. By saying that walking out of the relationship is as easy as walking out. As for those who stayed on believing that their partner would change for the better and that she loves him very much, that is being abused by choice therefore the ball is in her court now. So as for those claiming to be abused and what not, I always have the feeling that they’re nothing more of attention loving people seeking to get attention by saying they were abused. Most of the time real abuse cases are rarely reported and that reported abuses are often nothing more as a way to either seek attention or to get back at their male counterparts. Believe me, I experienced this before with me claiming to be the abuser and stuff. Most of the stuff that I was accused of is absurd to say the least.

In conclusion, if you heard rumors about how this woman was abused and is the talk of the town, think again. Refrain from getting emotional and be rational for a moment. There are always two sides to a story and obviously people would twist & turn facts to their advantage and one of the lethal ammunition that women have would be to be claimed a rape/abuse victim. I’m not saying that all of them are liars; just that one should be smart enough to think twice before starting a witch hunt on the opposing sex.

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