Tuesday, September 30, 2008

British Movies

Recently I watched a show titled Flashbacks of a Fool starring Daniel Craig, you know the guy who is playing the latest James Bond. This movie along with other British makes are quite pleasing to watch as those movies give you a sense of nostalgia, which is very rare in a testosterone charged full of violence and sex scenes hollywood movies. Not that Flashbacks of a Fool doesn't have those, its just that somehow the British does it in a classy style, not skanky.

Anywayz, while watching this movie, there this hot chick which as usual I would go crazy over her. Her name is Felicity Jones and she's one year older than me. Unlike my usual liking of blonde hair blue eyes, she is a brunette.

Oh well, the point I'm trying to make here is that you all should try British make movies once in a while. Come to think of it, I seem to have more preference towards non-hollywood movies as they have some originality in it. Hollywood movies has become very generic as of lately. Go and watch them and tell me what you think.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The New BMW 7-series

Has anyone seen the new BMW 7-series? And I thought the the previous generation 7-series was an absolute disaster. A picture is worth a thousand words. So let me show you two-thousand words worth of pictures.

'I'm a little piggy here's my snout, oink oink oink, oink oink oink."

The back is likened to a tumor that has been festering on the tail lamp. If they had made the tail lamp a sleek line across then it would be much nicer. Even the 3 series tail-lamp look like a down syndrome kid with cock eyes. Its a wonder if the BMW is still a desirable automobile.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I'm sure you Malaysians out there would know about the Ahmad Ismail's remarks upon the Chinese Malaysians. In this day of age, I'm appalled and shocked to find that this kind of remarks can still be shouted out in Malaysia. Shall he does this in western countries he would be F'ed in the A so hard that even Saiful would pity him.

Ok lets get to the facts shall we. Fine, Ismail wanna bring out as us Chinese Malaysians being 'squatters' to Malaysia, how about you Malays? Lest not forget that your Parameswara was a damn immigrant that went to Temasik (Singapore) and killed the leader there. So it is safe to assume that not only the Malays are squatters in line with the Chinese but also a senseless cruel murderer.

Still talking about facts; Malays might be the majority in terms of population numbers, but lets get real. In this day of age a country is pretty much defined by its financial status. The Chinese, being the squatters are contributing over 80% of tax revenues to the government, which most of it falls into their cronies and 'Malay development'. So you tell me, do you really think that us Chinese Malaysians, given the choice would want to continue staying in Malaysia? Why would you think scores of people are running away from this country? Even the educated Malays who are not blinded by the political screen?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

An apocalypse

It is wierd. After spending almost 20 years of his life in his home country, he suddenly feels alienated. Systems that are unfathomable, life that is questionable, he plows through the day. While last time he sleeps late into the night after a nice outing with friends, now he is withdrawn. He now goes to bed early in hope of a better day tomorrow, which often enough turns out worse than before.
Frustration mounts inside him, he doesn't even know why. Soon depression creeps in, again he doesn't know why. While skies are blue as ever, his eyes sees gloomy depressing skies. Living in denial, he tries to sleep it off only to find his life getting darker and darker. He even wonders if the sun ever shines.
'I need to get out of this hole' he says. He feels as thought he's trapped. Don't ask him why he just feels so. He thought things would be better when he comes home but then he soon realized all of his friends has left their home. One by one, slowly all went away, leaving him here all alone.
Perhaps there would be better days. He should be positive and hope for the better. He should look for alternatives if his home is less desirable as he thought it would be. Above it all, he should try and get over it.